Thursday, September 8, 2011

Well I'm Here!!!!

Well there is so much to report, but since I am tired I am going to report very little.

View from apartment
Romania is amazing! It's beautiful and so different. First of all my first host family, is quite nice. Although I feel bad because they had to take me to a doctor because I was sick. Great first day huh? Actually there were good parts, although I felt not so well until now. I'm going to do a quick run through

-My planes, all good except on the flight from Denver to Frankfurt I ate there breakfast (end of my flight) and my stomach was upset ever since then. Hence being sick. I really don't like Frankfurt, it's like a big mall (with Tiffany's) with no chairs. When you're tired you want a chair, especially with foot room.

-Arriving- First I would like to apologize I didn't get any pictures of Bucharest because my stomach was preoccupying my mind. It's beautiful. The airport is all glass and we drove around the Romanian version of the Arc de Triomphe. Although the driving back to my host town! Romanian driving is scary. Twice as scary as driving in San Diego and Los Angles put together. i lived and I'm actually getting used to it.

The view from my room
-Host town, is not longer a host town. It's a host city. Beautiful to me because everything is so different. We don't have huge apartment buildings, although gray and kind of ugly, there so different. Many of the "nice" houses are gorgeous old victorian style.

-Grocery Store was interesting and costs are much higher than I anticipated. I also think we bought like 40 dollars worth of olives. I wouldn't know because I have learned here that I know nothing, but thats okay.

-Doctors, was very different and I think I prefer their way. We went in and my host father came back telling me that it was an hour wait. We went home and I slept. Then we went back. They did different things than the doctors in America, and since I didn't understand them I will never know. They were very nice.

-Host Apartment is so nice. Small, but it kind of grows on you. I've mostly been in my room, sleeping. Now I am watching T.V. with my host dad. Their commercials are strange.

-Host Puppy is cute and knows how to get what he wants!

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