Sunday, September 4, 2011

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tzu

Well actually it's 6029.6 miles.

Well the excitement and nerves are here. I only have one full day in America left. Then 35 hours of flying/sleeping in airport and I'm in Romania. It's weird to think that by the time the week is up I'll be in Romania. In fact by Wednesday!

-I finally got my Romanian money! It's is much more exquisite than ours.

If you look closely the...
$100 has the drama faces
$10 has an art easel
$50 has an eagle (hard to see)
$5 has a music note
how pretty
I also got my business cards fixed! YAY for having the right address.

I am going to pack tonight, I think. It's very hard to pack, but I have everything now and I'll only be here on Monday and then I leave Tuesday morning EARLY. 4:30 am is way too early for anybody to be up but oh well.

I also got my ipod(s). I have a nano of my own that I got about 6 years ago, it works perfectly fine, and I finally got my current music on it. Then Anna is lending me here ipod touch, which is nice but it can't play music correct. So my plan is to use the nano for music and the touch for everything else. Also that means i will be less likely to lose her ipod.

Good job Espana, Chile, and now welcome Austria!

I'll most likely update this on Tuesday considering I have 11 Hours in Denver International Airport. Although I have made many skype dates! Wish me luck!!!!!! I am so nervous!

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