I know it has been awhile. So I have some exciting news since two easters ago! I survived my senior year, strangely enough. I am now a high school graduate!
Now I am on my way to London for university! I cannot believe that only a year ago I was saying goodbye to all of my friends in Romania, and saying hello to my friends in America. Now I am saying goodbye to America and going to London! My excitement cannot be expressed in words, however, this time is different. I was excited to go to Romania, but I knew I had to return to the states. Now I don’t know who I will ever see again. There are people that I have become closely acquainted with that I may I never see again. I don’t know when I will see anybody again, and I have made so many good friends. I leave in 28 days. I only have 28 days to say goodbye. Wish me luck.